BACB History

This decade was one of transition, both in terms of conductors and the Concert Band traveling to different performance venues. Founding member and longtime conductor, Robert Gillett, resigned his position as director of the BACB, which led to a series of different directors filling in. Gillett stayed on as a member of the BACB until he and his wife moved to Independence, Oregon which is close to the Salem area.

Although a lot of changes were taking place, this time was also marked by participation in Adult Band Festivals, which was the brainchild of Robert Gillett. Trips to the Hult Center and Bealle Hall in Eugene, the Sylvania campus of PSU in Portland, George Fox College in Newburg and Linn Benton in Salem were organized. The adult band festivals were not adjudicated, but it gave the BACB members an opportunity to perform for and listen to community bands in the state.

BACB enjoyed traveling to local high schools in the greater Bay Area, such as Bandon, Coquille, and Port Orford/ Langlois where they both performed for and with the students.

The April 5th , 2007 Langlois joint concert was particularly meaningful, because it was dedicated to former Pacific High School band director, Charlie Jensen who also happened to have four family members playing in the BACB at the time, and a son and son-in-law (also musicians) who joined in for that performance.

BACB 2001

BACB 2001, John Myers Conductor, photographer unknown